creative exploration

Creative play, everyday, is enjoyable, easy, relaxing, and…
leads to bigger things!

Good old everyday exploration leads the way into a satisfying creative practice. All you have to do is show up, stay present, and engage. Follow the little wisps and whims of creative suggestion that occur to you. You don’t need a plan, and you don’t need a skill, and you really don’t need much time.

If time is an issue for you, just limit your sessions to a few minutes. But make a ritual of it, because a regular practice of just letting yourself explore is pleasant and relaxing. And, as if that’s not enough, it can lead you to profound realizations and transformations. No kidding.

here’s how:

You don’t have to start with an idea. You don’t need a plan. In fact, if you have a plan, you’re doing it wrong! Because…This is not the time for following a recipe! This is the time for not knowing what you’re doing!

A few suggestions:

sing a song…arrange flowers…organize your shoes…start a business…dream a dream…dance, dance, dance…act out your feelings…act out someone else's feelings…paint a mural…climb a mountain…think a thought…build a house…tell a joke……bake a pie…take a photo…make a video…put an idea into words…put an idea into pictures…plant a garden…forge a path…plan a trip…plan a party…knit a scarf…start a conversation…make a friend…talk to yourself…recite a poem…pick up an instrument…jam…write a novel…journal your insights…give a speech…record an interview…cut and paste…sketch a portrait…write a memoir…make a list…jump in a lake…doodle…rap…invent a game…make a salad…build a model…form a pot…form a troupe…start a fire…dig a pond…review a movie…toot your horn…make a discovery…practice your tango…draw circles…build a sand castle…put sticks in a row…smash berries…create a code…watch clouds…

Do you still need convincing? Read these articles:

“if it’s so great, why doesn’t everybody do it?”

That’s good question, my friend. I don’t know. Why do people have to be reminded to breathe? To drink water? Why do we find it so hard to be kind to one another or loving to the earth that feeds and houses us all? All of these are essential to a healthy, happy life. So is creative exploration. What are you waiting for? Permission? You got it!

permission slip

Here you are, from me to you. Use liberally. Print as many as you like. Or, make your own!

permission slip

(click to print)