Meet Your Monsters
What can monsters can teach us? A mythological-depth psych perspective helps us come to terms with the monsters in ourselves and in our world. Looking into the shadows will deepen your understanding, and empower you to cope.
Monsters. They're everywhere. What do they want from us? What do we want from them?
Public. Personal. Real. Pretend. We all have them. They roam the world; they inhabit our minds. We fear them, and we are fascinated with them. Why won't they leave us alone?
Literature, history, and current events, seen through an archetypal lens, provide the backdrop for understanding our own monsters. Ultimately, though, we want strategies for dealing with our monsters. Engaging creatively, giving your imaginal monsters physical form, you are empowered to continue your exploration from a new place of detachment.
Join me for a 6-week online series, beginning October 14. We’ll use guided meditation, imaginal dialogue, journaling, and group discussion, to sort out legitimate fears from approachable anxieties. Each 90 minute session includes a presentation on the mythology and psychology of monsters, a creative session, and time for discussion and sharing. You'll have challenges each week to keep you actively engaged with the material, and our dedicated activity feed is a great forum for sharing, support, and discussion. Each person's monsters are unique. There will be no "Monster Recipe" presented in class. Instead, we'll explore forms and processes. When it comes to crafting your monster, you decide which will be most satisfying for you to work with. I will happily provide technical support and suggest resources as you design and carry out your project. Allow yourself creative time to work on this in between sessions. Zoom sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 11a-12:30p ET, running October 14 through November 18, 2020. Sessions will be recorded and available to view after each session, in case you miss one. Register now!
Meet Your Monsters 2020 has come and gone…Come back in Fall 2021 for the next run!