

Maybe it’s 1967. That makes me 10. In my backyard, playing with friends. What’s the game? Improv. I’m the director (we take turns, but director is my preferred role—what can I say?). I take each player aside, one by one, and reveal to them the secrets of their characters and motivations. None of the characters know anything about each other yet. Now, I set the scene–say it’s a grocery store– No, wait! A circus! and, go! Enter the characters, and let’s see what unfolds…

How we loved this game! Where did it come from? Was one of us in acting class? Did a teacher introduce the idea? Or did we make it up? To some extent, at least, I’m sure we did. And here I am, still playing it today.

This simple process has intrigued me throughout my life. Throw something in the pot and see what happens. I’ve really never gotten involved in the theatre arts, but I’m all about improv. What’s going to happen when I do this? There’s something joyously giddy and empowering about it: mysteries reveal themselves in every moment. It’s life as play.

Mary Lounsbury

Dr. Lounsbury is a mythologist, artist, and educator. Drawing from her extensive research in multi-cultural mythological traditions, she uses expressive arts and story to access intuitive awareness and develop group narrative.


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