astro myth
Astrology is a system of archetypes, all interrelated—in other words, a mythological system. An ancient discipline, astrology is based on 12 signs, each with its own distinct archetypal character.
You can use the zodiac as a framework to understand the many ways archetypes play out in your life. It’s a fantastic way to really see how we are all “alike but different.” Simultaneously you discover specific, practical guidance for the challenges life brings in any given moment.
All 12 signs are present in your birth chart—in everyone’s chart—and every sign represents an essential aspect of your experience—of everyone’s experience. Make a practice of tuning into each of the signs in turn. Discover and explore its archetypal character in yourself and in the world.
Naturally, in your chart, some signs are emphasized, and some find easier expression. But you benefit by exploring and expressing each sign in your own way, just as you want to exercise your whole body and not only one arm and one leg. You’re healthier and more balanced by expression of every sign, and honestly, the world and the people in it start to make more sense.